Woman driving convertable

LeapThru is for those healthy and on-the-go as much as for those who are more dependent on others for assistance.

A common misconception is that LeapThru’s caregiving software is intended for people in highly dependent situations.  While LeapThru can really help with daily activities in those environments, LeapThru may be even more effective for those who are more independent and on-the-go.

By having LeapThru software running on someone’s phone who is relatively independent, LeapThru may be able to help family and loved ones manage around different aspects of a health issue when it occurs.  More so, LeapThru may be able to assist in proactively identifying burgeoning issues before they worsen and turn into something more concerning.

Take Corrine for example.  Corrine is eighty and doesn’t like to sit still.  Her kids joke that they can’t keep up with her.  Corrine has typical health issues for someone her age, notably arthritis, high blood pressure and a little asthma.  Her daughter Marcy & granddaughter Beth, speak with her every day.  Sometimes they help her get places, when health issues arise, they are right there with her.  By and large, Corrine manages her own schedule and her own daily health routines.

So how does LeapThru come into play?

For starters, Marcy and Beth setup LeapThru to let them know if, for some reason, Corrine doesn’t get home at night by 11pm or if, heaven forbid, Corrine were at the hospital.  Since Corrine is so active, they also want to know if Corrine doesn’t leave the house all day for some reason.  In her situation, that’s something Corrine’s adult children like to know just to make sure everything is alright. 

They also want to know proactively (because Corrine may not say anything), if Corrine might not be feeling well or quite herself.  And so, they have LeapThru alert them if Corrine’s activity level is below a certain point; if her heart rate is consistently low or high over a period of time; and if Corrine’s overall daily engagement is low.  As a side, Marcy occasionally logs into LeapThru to see if Corrine’s activity level is staying generally the same or trending downward throughout the year.  And since Corrine has chronic asthma, any dips in activity level are particularly important flags that Marcy wants to be notified of so she can check-in.

LeapThru recognizes all these situations through the phone and/or connected smartwatch’s sensors – without having to bother or notify Corrine.

Since Corrine takes a number of medications at different times, she uses LeapThru’s medication reminders to help keep her on track.

And because of Corrine’s chronic breathing issues, she also uses LeapThru’s wellness check-in feature to track any breathing difficulties – via a survey question that pops up on Corrine’s phone for her to respond to.  If Corrine’s responses are concerning, Marcy & Beth get notified.

BreakThru if you need to!

There have been times when Marcy and Beth just couldn’t get a hold of Corrine.  She wasn’t picking up.  The front desk hadn’t seen her.  With LeapThru, Marcy had special permission to BreakThru to Corrine’s phone without Corrine manually picking up the call – so she could see and hear what was going on and talk to Corrine.  Being able to BreakThru in urgent situations provided peace-of-mind to Marcy and Corrine.

More so, when issues arise, Marcy and Beth can login to the LeapThru LeapConnect Portal to see what has been going on leading up to the problem – giving important context and information around what might have happened.

And once LeapThru is in place, you can take advantage of its many additional features when and if you want.

3 easy steps to get started

Step 1.  Register at leapthru.com/get-started

This will setup the person who will function as the Primary Caregiver on LeapThru and the person who will be the Care Recipient.  The Primary Caregiver on LeapThru could be a family member, trusted friend or other member of a care team. 

LeapThru keeps your information Private & Protected!

Step 2.  Download the LeapThru VIP app on the Care Recipient’s smartphone.

The LeapThru VIP application is available on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store – depending on the Care Recipient’s smartphone. 

As well, if the Care Recipient has a smartwatch you want to connect, you can also optionally download LeapThru VIP app for the smartwatch. 

Family & other caregivers can optionally download the LeapThru Care app on their smartphones or just login with the LeapThru LeapConnect Portal.  These applications are also available on either the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Step 3.  Login & Go! 

Login to the LeapThru VIP app and you’re off and running!  If desired, further customize any care alert notifications, particular features or add team members on the LeapThru LeapConnect Portal.  There is plenty of help available if you need it.

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